CHA CHA is a small company making handbags and accessories out of recycled leather, canvas and vegan leather.
For the past 10 years cha cha has produced thousands of one of a kind handbags that have sold all over the world. Out of a small home studio handbags are designed, sewn, photographed and shipped by company owner and designer- Lori Cha Cha.
Amidst our world of mass produced everything, at CHA CHA I focus on working with what we already have by re-purposing quality materials. Leather from a CHA CHA handbag has been salvaged from vintage jackets and furniture. Working with what I have has been a practice my whole life, often out of necessity, but this practice forces me to be a more thoughtful and creative designer. Every day at CHA CHA what first appears to be an out of date jacket will be transformed into a modern, fully functional handbag. I enjoy the challenge of taking something old and making it new again, knowing that I am saving one more garment from joining our overflowing landfills. And just as importantly, I enjoy creating a designer quality handbag that you can feel good about.
Cha Cha is made in Canada.